Benefits for Disabled Adults Living with Parents

If you are among the hundreds of thousands of parents in the U.S. caring for an adult child with intellectual or developmental disabilities, you’ve likely wondered what kind of financial support might be available. Several benefit programs can help you manage the expenses of caring for an adult child with disabilities. But how do you know what benefits you are entitled to receive? 

Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits for Adult Children with Disabilities 

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits are funded through payroll tax deductions, meaning only individuals with a qualifying work history are eligible to apply. However, the Social Security Administration stipulates if an adult child’s disability was diagnosed before age 22, they may qualify for SSDI benefits through their parent’s Social Security earnings.

Supplemental Security Income for Adult Children with Disabilities 

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) are benefits paid for through general taxes. SSI is a needs-based benefit program. It is available for those with qualifying disabilities and little to no financial support. While SSDI benefits can vary depending upon a person’s lifetime earnings, SSI benefits are fixed. The federal government sets the benefit amount each year, but South Carolina pays and administers its own supplemental payments.

Family Benefits for Adults with Disabilities 

In addition to SSDI and SSI benefits, a variety of additional assistance programs are available for families caring for adult children withbenefits for young disabled adults living with parents disabilities. South Carolina offers:

  • SNAP – Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
  • TANF – Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
  • SC Voucher Program for childcare assistance

Additional resources that may be available for families also include:

The eligibility for these benefit programs varies depending on a family’s income, work history, and type of government service.

Applying for Disability Benefits in South Carolina

Applying for disability benefits in South Carolina is not always as straightforward as it should be. Federal benefit programs often require you to fill out a lengthy application and provide lots of medical and financial documentation. Most programs require the following information:

  • Social Security Number (SSN)
  • Proof of age
  • Employment history 
  • Recent W-2 and tax forms
  • Military paperwork
  • Income verification information (e.g., pay stubs, settlement agreements, pension information, financial documents, etc.) 

You may also need to have your adult child’s: 

  • Birth certificate
  • Proof of U.S. citizenship

In addition to this information, you will also need to provide extensive documentation outlining your adult child’s medical condition.

  • Names, addresses, and phone numbers of the doctors, hospitals, clinics, and testing facilities where your child has received treatment
  • Names and dosages of prescribed medications
  • Laboratory test results
  • X-rays or imaging results 
  • Doctor’s notes 

How a Lawyer Can Help

With such a variety of benefits programs available, it can be hard to determine which programs you may qualify to participate in. An attorney can help you by:

  • Identifying financial programs your adult child may be eligible for
  • Preparing an accurate and detailed application(s)
  • Gathering necessary documentation to support the application(s)
  • Fighting denials

Discuss Your Case with an Experienced South Carolina Attorney 

At Land Parker Welch LLC, we know you want what’s best for your adult child. If you are the parent of an adult with disabilities, obtaining disability benefits can help alleviate your financial burdens and ensure your child’s long-term welfare. Let our dedicated South Carolina legal team help you seek benefits today. Call or contact us for a free case evaluation.